39 results for your search

Africa and the Middle East

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edited past Ruth One thousand. Stone, 1942- (New York: Routledge (Publisher), 2001) , 12 page(s)


Africa, Latin America, and North America

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written by Gerhard Kubik, 1934-; edited past Ruth Grand. Stone, 1942- (New York: Routledge (Publisher), 2001) , 18 folio(s)


Africa and North America

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written past Jacqueline Cogdell DjeDje, fl. 1983; edited by Ruth Grand. Rock, 1942- (New York: Routledge (Publisher), 2001) , 20 page(south)


Gender Roles in the Performing Arts in Japan

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written by Oshio, Satomi; edited past Robert C. Provine, Yosihiko Tokumaru and J. Lawrence Witzleben (Routledge (Publisher), 2001) , 4 page(due south)


Hearing the Music of the Middle East

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written by Stephen Blum; edited by Virginia Danielson, Scott Marcus and Dwight Reynolds (Routledge (Publisher), 2001) , three page(s)


Immigrant Music in Europe

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written by Elizabeth J. Miles; edited by Timothy Rice, fl. 1981, James Porter, fl. 1969 and Chris Goertzen (Routledge (Publisher), 2000) , 14 page(s)


Afro-Cuban Music

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written by Steven Cornelius, fl. 1991; edited by Ellen Koskoff (Routledge (Publisher), 2000) , vii page(south)


African Canadian Music

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written by Anne Lederman; edited past Ellen Koskoff (Routledge (Publisher), 2000) , 4 page(due south)


Afro-Brazilian Traditions

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written by Gerard Béhague; edited by Dale A. Olsen, 1941- and Daniel E. Sheehy (Routledge (Publisher), 1998) , 16 folio(due south)


Afro-Colombian Traditions

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written past Lawrence J. App; edited by Dale A. Olsen, 1941- and Daniel East. Sheehy (Routledge (Publisher), 1998) , thirteen folio(s)

